Our spirit, body and soul (emotions, feelings) are all interconnected. Authentic health is wholistic – where all of our parts are aligned and healthy and vibrant and relating to each other as they were designed to do, by the Great Creator Spirit.
If our spirit is healthy, our body can be healthy. If our spirit is broken, crushed, hurting – our body will be holding and experiencing that trauma and pain, no matter how sound our diet is.
We believe that authentic health is best experienced and expressed in community, and is not separate from our spiritual life. In UTS we believe relationship with God, lived out in the context of relationship with others and how we interact with the world impacts our health and wellbeing.
Many of the Indigenous people we work with have incorporated Christian beliefs into their worldview. UTS exist to work with people from any spiritual persuasion and we are passionate about vibrant health for all people. We hold to a Christian framework and part of the work we engage in is designed to train and equip Christians in understanding life and health from a Christian perspective. The Spirit stream is where we dive into an exploration of Christian spirituality – clients, participants, volunteers and supporters are free to engage with any of the work UTS is involved with, without engaging with this stream.